While this is not a popular stance to take (so you may take your shots) I do have to say that I was very disappointed with the officiating in this game. I know that they are MUCH higher than I am in the refereeing world, I know about angles, I know about interpretations of a situations, and that you should not criticize your fellow refs but... There were outright muggings that were not called. Yes, I know that both teams were in double bonus. Walking, how many they let go I could not count Im not talking about drives to the basket either but the ones out in the open that were not called. How many times the ball was completely under the ball on a cut/change in direction I could not count. How many times...
I know that I look at a game differently than a fan because I use it as a learning tool to better my skills. This is one game that Ill tape over so not to cloud my understanding.
BTW, the closes tie I have to either school is that my oldest son teaches at Miami University in Ohio. Not close at all.
[Edited by RecRef on Mar 24th, 2002 at 09:22 AM]