Originally Posted by MJT
So here is the next question. If the ball had not gone out of play with runners on base, if in doubt you may rule no INT. But since their was a runner on base and the ball did go OOPlay, we either have INT, and an out, or the runner advances 2 bases. IMO, if in doubt and you have to rule one of those 2 things, I am not giving 2 bases to the offensive team when if they had been in the batters box, there would not have been any contact and the ball would not have went in DB territory.
You can't base this on what happens afterward - you can't be "in doubt" at all - either the Batter interfered or she didn't - it's not wise to wait to see what happened later before making your decision (or, even if the ball went OOP immediately, it's not wise to make that decision based on the fact that it went OOP).