Originally Posted by cshs81
OK. Lets simplify it then. Is it a balk with a runner on 2nd base when the pitcher raises his non-pivot leg, then lowers it (normal movement for going to the plate) but does not go to the plate? Or is it a legal pickoff move upto the point of his leg starting towards the plate?
It's not a "legal pickoff move" until he steps toward 2d [in this case].
If he steps toward the plate & does not pitch, of course it's a balk.
All that said, I'm with the other responder(s?): I doubt that it is physically possible to make the move you initially described - without putting the non-pivot foot back on the ground, that is. So: what is this post, really?: a "just suppose..."/ "stump-the-umpire" TWP, or an actual game-situation conundrum?