Thread: Ejection video
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Old Mon Jun 04, 2007, 08:03am
David B David B is offline
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Originally Posted by GarthB
I'm not talking about what someone might right to sell a book.

Sit down and half a drink with an umpire that had to endure a Weaver tirade. He'll tell you that 20 years later he can laugh, but at the time, it was a job, and not an easy one, to handle that sawed off a$$hole. You won't hear "what colorful character he was."

What I'm saying is that you're dead wrong if you think ML umpires consider their part of dealing with these guys to be part of the "entertainment." They manage them as best they can, and it's part of the job that they don't enjoy.
You are completely correct, and I agree with that 100 percent. I would imagine its even worse today because of television that makes even more out of it.

I know the umpires don't think of it as entertainment, but I'm sure MLB does or they wouldn't allow it.

I've maintained for years that baseball is weak in this regard because there is no penalty to the team for the coach acting like an idiot - basketball - T, football - throw the flag, baseball - null.

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