Don't forget about telling the OP not to buy that CUP in the package !
We rarely get hit by a ball coming directly at the front of us, especially behind the plate. What you need is a newer Banana style, which wraps down around the bottom to protect us from those balls bouncing up. Bike makes a very nice one with Flex-Sides, that you can wear all day without irritation.
Also, that chest protector in the package might protect you from a 2 year old, throwing a whiffle ball.
I don't agree with the posters who say you have to have a Hard Shell protector. I, am many others, use the Honig's K1 for all levels of ball. It is not considered a Hard Shell protector, but it affords great protection. Any style of protector, that is a quality protector, from a reputable company will give you good protection. Do be wary of knock-off lookalikes. They are usually not even worth the "lower" price, let alone your life.