Thread: Court Coverage
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Old Sat Jun 02, 2007, 12:11am
RonA RonA is offline
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Posts: 15
COurt coverage

You know what's funny(strange, not haha) about all this? On a tangent, I have been taught that in men's It is still 60/40 between C and T. Furthermore, if I were to ever release a dribbler into the C's area from the T having already established a count, I would get yelled at by both of my partners (not to mention my evaluator, both coaches, the fans, the vendors, the custodians) for having done so. Why do I know this? Because I've done it, and I have it on tape. As we all know, tape doesn't lie, but I digress.

My main point in joining this conversation is that after having been to my share of clinics, and working my share of 3-person mech games, I find myself going to another clinic this Summer in CA. No big deal. I go out there all the time for this one.But, when I went to look at this person's web page and looked at their explanation of coverages, its diagram for NCAA was the old style 50/50 coverage between the L and the T for both men's and women's
I also think it is showing the same thing for men's.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am fairly certain that it is NOT this way anymore


Last edited by RonA; Sat Jun 02, 2007 at 01:04am.
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