Thread: Gloves
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Old Fri Jun 01, 2007, 09:54am
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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If FED has issued a ruling that the white thread in the logo has to be shaped like a baseball to be deemed illegal, they've done an awfully good job of keeping it secret.

If the pitcher rubs dirt on the "white-threaded" logo, it certainly doesn't look white to me anymore if I'm the umpire - kind of looks like "burnt sienna".

I could have sworn I read a FED ruling that if a pitcher was discovered (after the fact) to have used a glove with a white-threaded logo to make a fielding play, the play would stand and the pitcher would simply not be subsequently allowed to use the glove while pitching. No 3-base award. Rationale being that the pitcher's glove is perfectly legal for fielding, it's just overly distracting (& therefore illegal) for pitching.

Of course, I can't find that ruling now, either. I believe it was posted on the FED website in their annual "official interpretations" section in 2005 - mysteriously vanished from the FED website.

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