Originally Posted by tibear
However, in this situation, should second base be treated similar to homeplate in that R2 should not be entitled to run towards second base because he is forced to leave that base.
In this instance, second base is treated (nearly) the same as home plate. But, I don't think either is treated the way you want to treat it.
That is, BR is allowed to retreat toward home and R2 is allowed to retreat toward second. The difference is that BR is out if he reaches home; R2 is not out if he reaches second.
One of the reason why I tend not to have problems with any of my games is perhaps I overlook it when people use the wrong terminology for a particular instance. When a coach comes out and asks why his batter couldn't "steal" first when the catcher dropped the third strike.
That's a good philosophy on the field. Here, though (and in most other discussions amongst umpires) we expect umpires to use the proper terminology.