Thread: Gloves
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Old Fri Jun 01, 2007, 07:35am
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by sawer19
2 parts....

i didnt realize this was an umpire forum lol but now that im here.... what is the rule on 2 toned gloves for pitchers... do laces count?

second part... i throw left handed and im looking for a new glove but dont know whats out there now so if anyone could help that would be cool
FED Rules - ANY part of glove that is white or gray is illegal for the pitcher to use. Two toned is legal subject to above, OR if glove is deemed to be distracting. Most two toned gloves today would NOT be deemed distracting as I doubt anyone is making them in flourescent colors. There are some two toned that have a significant amount of gray in them so be careful.

Given what I have said, I have never personally seen an umpire reject a glove for white stitching or white on the mfgrs logo.
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