Originally Posted by tibear
If someone answers a question, you owe it to the person to give a complete answer.
Would a corrolary to this proposition be that if someone initiates a post on this forum, AND makes presumptive statements about "everyone agreeing" with assertions made in that post, that he owes it to the readers of the forum to have done some minimum degree of "due diligence" in correctly understanding the rules he is posting about?
One point that you seem to be mistaken on in regard to the runner's "legal baspath". The baserunner is allowed to attempt to advance or retreat on the basepaths, regardless of whether he is "legally entitled" to the base he is attempting to advance or retreat to. So, even if the runner has been "forced" from 2B, it is pefectly legal for him to attempt to retreat to 2B and this is not a violation of the proscription from "leaving his baseline to avoid a tag".