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Old Wed May 30, 2007, 02:01pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by tibear
I would doubt that because the batter is free to switch from which side they want to bat from in between each pitch. I know the rules aren't meant to be fair but it would seem strange that the batter is free to choose which way they want to hit the ball for every pitch but the pitcher has to declare for each batter??? Doesn't make sense. (Which doesn't mean it isn't true!!)
That's just why they have it. Otherwise the batter would switch, the pitcher would switch, the batter would switch, the pitcher would switch, .... and the game would be a stalemate.

OBR: Each can switch once. It's in NAPBL, if not elsewhere.

NCAA and FED: Pitcher must declare. No restrictions on the batter.
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