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Old Mon May 28, 2007, 06:41am
Al Al is offline
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Originally Posted by SRW
The reason I ask this is because of what happened in my championship game. F1 is replaced. My 3BU comes down the line and asks me if I want her to tell the new F1 the game situation, or if I was going to do it. I told the 3BU "No, she should know what's going on." The 3BU thought that I was being inconsiderate, and that "it's a common courtesy to tell her the game situation." I told the 3BU that "she's a big girl now, and can look around to figure out where the runners are. If she needs to know the number of outs, she can ask."

Well, that drove the 3BU nuts! She fumed on that the rest of the game... and afterwards, made it a point to bring it up very sarcastically with me in front of the UIC. I said the same thing you guys did - that it's coaching the player, and totally unnecessary. The UIC sided with the 3BU. We discussed it a little more, and I realized that it was going nowhere. I smiled and said that I needed to go get out of my plate gear and go home (had a 3 hour drive to look forward to). Oh well, c'est la vie.
Championship game... and the base umpire wants to hold the pitchers hand?!!? The first thing I would have done after the game, had I been the UIC and heard her speaking sarcastically toward you, is instruct your partner that it's not only NOT her job to tell the new pitcher the game situation it's also NOT her job to fume and become sarcastic towards her partner. Umpires have enough to deal with during games with coaches, fans, etc. and should not have to have to deal with partners that become angry easily. This base umpire needs some 101 instruction and needs to act more professional. The UIC not only did a disservice to you but missed a perfect opportunity to correct her. Now other umpires may have to put up with her unprofessional behavior in future games as well. Pretty bad when an umpire who did the correct thing can't even get the support of the UIC.
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