Sat May 26, 2007, 03:51pm
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Little Elm, TX (NW Dallas)
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Originally Posted by bwbuddy
After having read 8-4-G, 1-6 several times, please help with interpretation. Since runners can advance/steal only one base per pitch at this level, and runner on third can only score on a batted ball, BB with bases loaded, HBP with bases loaded, or awarded base -- when do they have to stop running after a hit?
For instance, bases loaded, clean hit to outfield, ball is thrown back in to an infielder, who makes a play on a runner. Runner is safe at 3B, but ball is overthrown (not out-of-play). Does runner have to stay at third, or can all runners continue running after successive overthrows (happens all the time!).
Runner can run until the cows come home.
Or- bases loaded, caught fly ball, runners tag - can more than one runner score if the ball comes back into the pitcher, but then the pitcher overthrows to 3B?
Ditto. No restrictions AT ALL on running after a batted ball (at least until LBR comes into play, if it does).
Or-bases loaded, hit to infield, all advance one base. As ball is then returned to the pitcher, the pitcher is overthrown. Can runner on third advance?
Same thing... yes.
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