Sat May 26, 2007, 01:08pm
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Originally Posted by bwbuddy
After having read 8-4-G, 1-6 several times, please help with interpretation. Since runners can advance/steal only one base per pitch at this level, and runner on third can only score on a batted ball, BB with bases loaded, HBP with bases loaded, or awarded base -- when do they have to stop running after a hit?
Say what?
For instance, bases loaded, clean hit to outfield, ball is thrown back in to an infielder, who makes a play on a runner. Runner is safe at 3B, but ball is overthrown (not out-of-play). Does runner have to stay at third, or can all runners continue running after successive overthrows (happens all the time!).
Or- bases loaded, caught fly ball, runners tag - can more than one runner score if the ball comes back into the pitcher, but then the pitcher overthrows to 3B?
Or-bases loaded, hit to infield, all advance one base. As ball is then returned to the pitcher, the pitcher is overthrown. Can runner on third advance?
It's a shame to even have to ask these questions about an instructional league, but situations come up often.
You are looking for something which is not there. This rule does not address a batted ball except when it comes to scoring. All play on a batted ball is open like any other level/classification of the game until the ball is dead or the ball returns to the circle in the pitcher's possession.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.