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Old Sat May 26, 2007, 08:49am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Yeah, what he said!!!

However, I do have an answer as to why. The reason is because the people in this country don't believe rules apply to them. The common train of thought is, "They just put that down for display, they really don't mean it" or "those are for the trouble makers, that doesn't apply to me".

You think I'm kidding? How many time do you witness people throwing cigarette and ashtray contents onto the streets, but do you think the same people would appreciate me dumping my trash on their front lawn?

We live among a group of ignorant people who believe that the "freedom" people are dying for every day means there are no rules. Their freedom trumps everything. Their freedom includes violanty attacking another human being because they were "offended" or that person had something this individual wanted. Funny thing is quite often when asked to help, this "society" turns their back because they "don't want to get involved". Don't think that phrase disappeared after the '80s, it is still around and quite alive in our neighbor's minds and hearts.

We all see this every day. We see this in almost every game we umpire. "How can you call that?", "How can you end a game on a call like that?", "That's not how the rule works at home?", "Our umpires don't call that!", etc.

Ballgame, life and death, they are all played the same. We are of a pampered "society" whom really have no idea how easy their life is compared to other parts of the world.

Sorry, John hit a subject that gets me just as upset.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday weekend.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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