When coaches pick the umpires, it doesn't mean they are quality umpires. I saw a four man crew last week that was just glad to be there. U1 was lazy. U2 failed to come inside and make call at 2B that fell into short RF and BR tried stretched into a double. He just stood in the outfield like no play was happening. Both he and U3 both made safe calls. U2 also brushed off the rubber and 2B with a plate brush between innings. Ball gets away from catcher and runner on 2B advances to 3B and U3 makes call from out in foul ground and still hadn't moved forward to the edge of the infield dirt. Which it looked like he missed, because he had such a bad angle. First batter of the game lofts a fly ball to center field and PU heads out to the mound like he is in two man. They missed several balks by the home pitcher from the wind up. I was sitting next to a coach who was scouting the teams and would be playing the winner if his team advanced. His were defending state champions in their classification. I mentioned to the coach, "I don't know how you decide on umpires, but I would make sure you tell your head coach not to let any of these four do it". He concurred whole-heartedly.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they were wearing red shirts. That tipped me off right there.
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
Last edited by Steven Tyler; Fri May 25, 2007 at 11:18pm.