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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 08:37am
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by njdevs00cup
I was working a middle school game by myself. The home teams gives up 7 runs in the first inning, mostly on errors and the coach is not happy. At the conclusion of the inning, the visiting catcher and pitcher take the field and begin to warm up. The rest of the players (visitors) loaf onto the field. I told the team to "hustle out!" The home coach gets ticked off that the kids (visitors) didn't run onto the field and lets me know about it. The pitcher throws his 8th pitch and we begin w/o delay. This continued throughout the game. Where does my responsibility end and the visiting coaches begin.
It's good practice to tell the players to hustle out, especially when there are time limits. At that level, be reasonable. As far as the HC harping on you about it, the second time I'd probably tell him to knock it off. That's not his job. If he continues, give him a warning. I know it sounds trite, but as umpire you don't need to hear it every inning.
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