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Old Thu May 24, 2007, 05:48pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
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Canadian Reply

Originally Posted by DC_Ref12
lots of stuff
I understand what you're saying and you are correct, as you already knew.

Bottom line is this (to all, not just you): a request can be made at any time. It's up to the official to either grant or not grant the request. The official uses the rule to determine if s/he should grant the TO. There are four possibilities in the 2x2 matrix:
  1. Properly granting the request (request granted)
    - eg: Team A has inbounds player control of the ball + Coach A requests a TO + TO is granted
  2. Properly denying the request (ie. request denied)
    - eg: Team A has inbounds player control of the ball + Coach B requests a TO + TO is denied
  3. Improperly granting the request (ie. shouldn't've been granted)
    - eg: Team A has inbounds team control of the ball and the ball is being passed when Coach A requests a TO + it is granted
  4. Improperly denying the request (ie. should have been granted)
    - eg: Team A has inbounds player control of the ball + Coach A requests a TO + TO is NOT granted

If a coach requests a TO, and just after the request, his player loses player control of the ball, an opponent steals the ball and is on a breakaway for a game winning basket in the state championship with the B player likely to get a full scholarship to (insert your favourite NCAA team), the TO request shall be granted. A good official will have his whistle as soon as s/he can, and not care what happens to the B player and the breakaway.
Pope Francis

Last edited by JugglingReferee; Thu May 24, 2007 at 06:15pm.
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