Originally Posted by Ch1town
With that being said, is it correct procedure to grant a pre-determined TO in the following situations?
a> after a team scores, the throw-in teams coach says give me a time out when we cross half court.
b> after a dead ball the defensive teams coach says if they score give me a time out?
Or should we have them request again?
Personally, knowing in advance on those type of situations makes managing the game easier. It’s nothing like granting a time out when coach really called the play “five out” or you didn’t hear coach requesting at all because of the crowd noise.
Have the coach reqeust the TO when s/he wants it, and that pre-requests will not be honoured. However, you can acknowledge the "heads up".
I was doing a provincial final one year when a coach yelled out "five out". When the team didn't respond, he yelled it again. I gave him the TO. After the game, the evaluator, in his own way, gave the coach sh!t for having a play called "five out".
As fro crowd noise, visual requests are valid requests. Sound doesn't interfere with light.