Originally Posted by LarryS
OK...I KNOW it is best if the request and granting of said request happen at about the same time. HOWEVER, Jurassic please highlight the portion of the rule you posted that states the REQUEST can only be made during one of those two cases...rule states it can only be GRANTED during those time.
See post #20 that I made at 2.28pm today. In that, I said that it doesn't matter one damn bit
WHEN a TO is requested. The
rules however state exactly
when an official can grant a TO request. The only time that you can grant a legal TO request is at the time that is being requested. That's what 5-8-3 is telling you. If the play stops 3 minutes from now and there is no TO request made, howinthehell can you grant one?
If you and DC want to believe otherwise, hey, then feel free to do so. Of course, you probably should bear in mind that you have absolutely no rules backing to do what you want to do, but don't let something like that stop either of you from doing so.
I'm done repeating myself on this one.