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Old Thu May 24, 2007, 01:45pm
Don Mueller Don Mueller is offline
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Originally Posted by scarolinablue
Interesting sitch...I've had the same pitcher twice in Pony League now (Dixie rules)...he straddles the rubber, then when he places his foot on the rubber, he's already in the set position. However, there never has been an instance where he's tried to quick pitch...he probably takes 3 or more seconds before delivering the pitch or making a pickoff attempt, so that's why I've never seen the occasion to balk him - there's certainly nothing inherently illegal in what he does. He's only got a fastball, so that's probably why he doesn't really bother taking a signal. After the game, I've told the coaches they should really work on a standard stretch/set mechanic with this kid...I don't think his current mechanic will serve him very well in the future.
This is clearly a balk.
You cannot simulate your pitching motion while off the rubber.
If he is in his set position when he moves his pivot foot to the rubber, then he must have been simulating the set position while off the rubber.
If he is bringing his hands to the set position while simultaneously moving his pivot foot to the rubber, as in OP, then that is the same thing.
This technique used by a sophisticated pitcher is clearly a deceptive move.

Whether or not you call it is another matter, but technically speaking there is no doubt it's a balk.
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