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Old Thu May 24, 2007, 12:27pm
ltllng ltllng is offline
Patience is important
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Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 25
Time Out Mechanics



273; 275; Diagram 29: Crew of Two Only: Change the time-out and intermission positions so that the administering official will stand where play will be resumed and the non-administering official will stand, facing the table, on the division line (on the circle nearest the table for a 30-second time-out or intermission).

Where does the n-a official stand on a full timeout? The wording on this is bad, because it does not indicate the position on the division line for a full timeout. Anyone have a comment on why this was written like this? Do we stand at center court in the middle of the circle? If we are changing the positioning again, why can't we have one spot for both 30 and fulls?

I would have to assume that it will now be the duty of the n-a official standing on the division line to remind both teams of the warning horn.

I love us turning into the traffic cop and the fashion police, instead of being able to focus on the game at hand.
Make sure everyone is safe and HAS FUN!!!!
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