First of all.........welcome to the wonderful world of SB...........I think you will like it......
Try and get out and watch a few games with an experienced umpire before you umpire any games..........
If you have no experience in FP........that is the quickest way to get a handle on the pitching rules.......... makes a difference if you are working a 1 man or two man system.......
If two man........when you are watch for things like leaping, crow-hopping, illegal step back (ASA, NSA, AFA, USSSA, Pony, and a few others)......the rocker step is legal in FED and LL..........
PU watches for violations above the waist on the pitcher....... i.e. - hands not coming together, hands coming together more than once......and staying within the 24" plate during deliver.........
In one is almost imposible to call below the waist violations........and if coaches complain......tell em to pay for another umpire........grin
Try and watch some games before you get thrown into the can help you out a lot........
And BTW.........there are a number of rule differences (and interpretations for that matter) between SB and just gotta know which ones...........grin
What organization are you going to be calling under?