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Old Tue May 22, 2007, 02:13pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by johnnyg08
Thanks Bob,

Under OBR, when would an extra base be awarded with regard to OBS? Ever? Based on the OBS, the runner now gets thrown out at 1B...I think it's obvious, but I'm now confusing myself here...what is the interp here...the runner gets the base in which he's heading?? Example: Runner dives back into 1B on a pick off attempt. F3 obstructs R1... OBR ruling? safe at R1...obstruction. in OBR if the OBS is type 1 where the play is being made on the runner being obstructed...that immediately kills the play right??
Read the obstruction rule. Note the two sub-parts (a) and (b). Note the difference in when they are used and what the penalty is.
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