Originally Posted by CoachJM
A runner being hit by a batted ball is one type of interference. The rule most specific (in OBR) to the OP is 7.09(k). Perhaps you should read it & see if you'd like to amend this statement - because it is incorrect.
Read again, and posted:
(k)A fair ball touches him on fair territory before touching a fielder. If a fair ball goes through, or by, an infielder, and touches a runner immediately back of him, or touches the runner after having been deflected by a fielder, the umpire shall not declare the runner out for being touched by a batted ball. In making such decision the umpire must be convinced that the ball passed through, or by, the fielder, and
that no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner deliberately and intentionally kicks such a batted ball on which the infielder has missed a play, then the runner shall be called out for interference.
I stand on what I posted earlier!