Tue May 22, 2007, 12:23pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 4,222
Originally Posted by CoachJM
BlueUmp & tibear,
Rule 2.00, Interference (a) Offensive Interference: "any fielder"
6.08(d): "a fielder"
7.08(b): "a fielder"
7.09(k): "a fielder"
So, according to the text of the rules (not to mention the MLBUM, JEA, & J/R), any member of the defense (i.e., fielder) is protected from interference. Whether the defense had a realistic chance to successfully complete a play is not relevant unless the untouched batted ball went "through or by" a fielder (i.e., between his legs or within his reach) and hit a runner who was immediately back of him.
Thanks. I knew I knew this.