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Old Tue May 22, 2007, 09:34am
archangel archangel is offline
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Originally Posted by mcrowder
If a coach that I don't know claims to be an umpire, I ignore it - not more slack, not less slack. 90% of the time, this means the coach has volunteered to help out on the bases in a 7U teeball game one time, 9 years ago.

But a coach discussing things properly that proves he has some level of rule knowledge is probably going to get a bit longer leash than someone who doesn't - and if this guy's experience as an umpire causes him to behave this way, then he'll get the longer leash.

It may (or may not) be different if I KNOW they are an umpire.
I totally agree. The OP stated that the coach came out to "argue" a call. In that case, he's treated like any other coach.
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