Originally Posted by Scrapper1
What's a grill, in this context?
If you deem it jewelry, then the player must remove it or leave the game. As Snaqwell said, no T.
"Diamonds on necklace, diamonds on my grill, I'm BOSSY!!!"
Actually he would not be wearing a grill. The jewelry would be on his grill. Not sure what the "wood" means.
For those old people that think people still used "bad" to mean "good" then this is for you. Basically in the south it is a common style for certain segments of society to wear a kind of jewelry on their teeth. Usually they are removable or at the very least easily removable. If you watched the TV show "Flavor of Love" you might understand what I am talking about. Or you might see this if you watch many southern rappers or entertainers in the hip-hop style of music.
I would say just like a tongue ring I would not allow a player to wear this with my knowledge. Now I would not go looking for this and asking every player to open their mouth, but if I noticed it I would likely remove them from the game. Now if multiple players had this and it went unnoticed for most of the game this would be a harder decision, but I would hope that I could just remove players from the game until they remove the items. One of the problems maybe there should be a ruling on this from someone because this is not quite the same thing as other forms of jewelry but I can see them as a possible hazard. I am not sure why anyone would want to play with them in their mouths, but I am sure someone sees this from that part of the country where this is more popular.