George Foreman on the wood?
2nd half of a boys varsity semi-final with about 2 minutes to go in a 67–67 game. A player respectfully complains to me about a no-call, but I couldn’t hear a word he said because the grill in his mouth was way too loud. I know what the rules state regarding jewelry, but seeing how he made it 38 minutes w/out my partner or myself noticing (because the player doesn’t whine) would you T him up in a spring league?
I don’t see any concern for the safety of the other 9 players on the court by him wearing the grill. What if the grill was permanent, would you still T him up?
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the inside edge of the boundary line inbounds? Meaning, the thrower can step all over the line & as long as he doesn’t cross that inside edge... no violation. Correct?