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Old Sat May 19, 2007, 08:48pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally Posted by TwoBits
Had a team do this several times today:

USSSA played under OBR on a 70' diamond. F3 played about 2 feet in front of the line between first and second and 6 feet toward second. They would do a pickoff play where F3 would move toward the bag at the same time F1 would throw the ball over using a jump turn. On occasion, F3 would catch the ball 2 or 3 feet in front of the bag and try to do a swipe tag. The throw was directly in line with the bag, but since F3 cut it off, it never actually got to the bag.

There have been numerous discussions here that a throw not directly to first base while on the rubber or using a jump turn is a balk. Since this throw isn't getting to the bag, is it still a balk?
The throw is toward 1B or toward F3 who is moving toward 1B to make a play. This is not a balk.

Picture this, if it will help. F3 is playing 10 feet bahind the bag and 10 feet toward 2B and the runner has a big lead. F3 starts moving toward 1B and F1 executes a jump turn and hits F1 on the move with the throw about 5 feet from the bag. F3 keeps moving and tags the runner trying to get back. F3 and F1 were making a play so although the throw was not directly to the bag it's not a balk, it's an OUT.
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