I dont' know about other's, but if I hear "Your are the worst f*cking umpires I have ever seen! We should all just go home!”, and I suspect its coming from the bench, I'm going to take a little stroll over there.
The HC is gonna get tuned up, and told. "I don't know where that came from, but if I hear it again then part two of the statement will come true for you"... He may not have been the cause, but he will ensure it stops.
I had much the same situation in a game where I went to the "HC" to give him a warning, and his response was, " I'm not the HC". I said, 'well you were at the plate meeting and told me you were the HC". Well here comes the 'real' HC who says.."WTF is your problem"...."I said, YOU, and he got tossed. I then turned to the pretend HC and said, "you've just been promoted, now control this bench!!"
Bob P.
We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself.
Last edited by RPatrino; Fri May 18, 2007 at 03:48pm.