Throw beat the runner by 5 or 6 steps. At the average distance of 3' to 5' per step (depending upon the running speed), this could be anywhere from 15 to 30'. So the runner was about a third of the way from home plate when the ball got there and then entered into a head first slide late, effectively barrelling into F2.
Malicious contact sounds right, however, not calling it when it occurred and after the discussion began with the offensive coach was poor.
As for when does the slide begin, its a difficult thing. In fed you've got the FPSR where any contact beyond the bag can be viewed as interference if it alters the play.
I'm not a physics professor, and I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn last night however, work the time back assuming the player wants to stop on the bag. Example: Runner wants to stop on the bag, their weight (mass), running speed (energy), ground conditions friction for slowing (wet - muddy / dry), Sliding into a bag that is above the ground (will assist in stopping) or home plate that should be flush with the ground (no additional stopping provided), all factor into when the best time to slide is. It could be anywhere from 3 to 10 feet infront of the bag. On a Head first, you would probably want to start a little earlier so you don't jamb your hand or arm back into your shoulder potentially dislocating it or breaking an arm or wrist.