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Old Thu May 17, 2007, 09:38am
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,097
I have argued this before and will continue to argue it. Make it a technical foul, that's harsh and sends the same message. You don't need to eject players for coming off the bench to aid their teammate and not participating in the fight. That's like wiping ********. You have to actually throw a punch to be ejected. The punishment here doesn't fit the crime. This league has never been about just following the rules. To some extent you are rewarding inappropiate behavior here. The rules are designed to create a fair and balance contest. How is this fair to the Suns? You knock the crap out of my star point guard, he could have been injured more seriously than what it was, then you suspend 2 of my starters for this same act on my point guard!!!! Are you serious? You don't let another team benefit from this type of conduct, unless of course, you want to make sure Spurs win.

Last edited by mick; Thu May 17, 2007 at 09:47am.
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