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Old Thu May 17, 2007, 02:27am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by refnrev
It was about the discussions that occur over the knowledge and lack thereof about the direct or indirect.
Yeah, I am constantly amazed by the lack of basic knowledge exhibited by some referees. I am of the opinion that there are certain principles that will allow an official to handle almost all situations which arise correctly.
I might actually take some time and create a written list. I'm convinced that it would be very helpful to make a such handout sheet for new referees (and possibly some not so new referees!).
One could probably memorize this stuff in about 20 minutes.

Okay, here's my first draft:

1. Once the ball has gone out of play determining a certain restart, nothing which happens thereafter can change that restart. (small tweak for PKs)
2. A foul is an unsafe or unfair action that meets three criteria. (1. ball in play, 2. action committed by a player, 3. done against an opponent) If any of these three criteria are absent, then there is no foul. However, it is possible for the action to constitute misconduct.
3. (a) There are only ten fouls which result in a DFK (or a PK). If one of these ten things didn't occur then there cannot be a DFK (or a PK).
(b) DFKs can only be awarded for fouls. If there is no foul, then the game cannot be restarted with a DFK (or a PK).
4. If the game is stopped while the ball is in play for something that occurs OFF the field of play, then the restart will be a drop ball from where the ball was. (OFF the field = drop ball)
5. If the game is stopped while the ball is in play for something done BY A PLAYER (or rostered substitute) ON THE FIELD and a card is given, then the restart must be a free kick. (ON the field, done by a player, and card given = kick)
6. A team CANNOT score against itself directly from any free kick. This includes corner kicks, penalty kicks, goal kicks, and kick-offs.
7. ANY free kick awarded to the defending team inside its own penalty area must leave the penalty area before being touched by another player. If the ball is touched prior to leaving the area, the kick must be retaken. (This applies to ALL free kicks, not just goal kicks!)
8. Any restart which is not taken correctly must be retaken. (small exception for PKs)
9. If the referee stops play for a foul or misconduct and desires to issue a card, he MUST do so during THAT stoppage. Once he allows play to be restarted, it is too late to card anyone. The only time that cards can be delayed is when the advantage clause is invoked. In that case the card MUST be issued during the next stoppage of play.
10. Using the advantage signal (and verbalization of "play on") means that you saw a foul or misconduct, but are allowing the attacking team to continue to anyway. It should NOT be used to indicate that you thought a play was clean or that NO foul occurred on the play. Saying "play on" in those instances is wrong.

What do people think of these ten?
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