Not to "burst your bubble" but IMO you were moved because others most likely "kicked back' this game.
Also I know you want to move up but when you get a "high level' varsity game this time of year and all along you were doing Freshman / JV there's something "rotten in Denmark"
Pete Booth
I don't know Pete. Maybe the assignor knew exactly what he was doing, this was a high level late season game that meant nothing to either team's playoff hopes, one team is known for bad behaviour and he was sent to be evaluated.
And it would seem he knows what he needs to work on but did not use this opportunity to work on it. Anyone who would not toss instantaneously after hearing "Your are the worst f*cking umpires I have ever seen!" and load up to toss again if there is a negative reaction from any other game participants lacks game management skills entirely.
He needs to go read the Six EJ's post from Arnold A. and learn how to get any and all comers.