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Old Wed May 16, 2007, 05:54pm
rinbee rinbee is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 11
Question Pitch Count Violation

Our leage does not have an impartial person to keep pitch counts so we rely on both benches keeping counts and splitting the difference whe (to everyone's surprise" their counts differ for a given pitcher.

Situation: With a 2-1 count (I think) the offensive manager claims the pitcher met his max pitch count with the previous batter. Although the defensive team has a lower count the manager agrees to replace the pitcher. The offensive manager wants the count restarted on his current batter. I know that exceeding pitch count is grounds for a protest, but I ruled that we do not restart the count. I could not find anything in the ruls about the penalty for exceeding the pitch count. Can anyone clarify the penalty and tell me if this or any other situation requires that the count is restared on a batter?
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