Temporary Brain Disfunction and Org. Chaos
This may be a short thread, as it needs only ONE definitive (please) answer.
Asked because in talking to partner yesterday he CONFUSED me by being converse to what I THOUGHT was correct, and I can't find a Rool Book to save myself. (Probably in my CAR but that hasn't been cleaned out since '99.)
OK - the question
The call you "can" make in A as U1 on a 3 man crew. The LHP breaking the back plane of the rubber and going to first.
Under FEDERATION: do you make this call for just BREAKING THE PLANE with the foot.. or does the entire foot have to go past the back plane.
Under OBR: same question.
I had believed up to yesterday that under FED.. any part of foot would apply and that under OBR INTERPRETATION, the entire foot had to go past. But.. I ...could.. have been in error.
LLJVU in Seattle