Thread: My 1ST Ejection
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 16, 2007, 04:06pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
I don't force any religious views on anyone, but you are not going to scream Mohammed's name in vain, nor Allah, nor Krishna for that matter on my ballfield. Faith-based deities are off limits on my ballfield. You stick to your own principles, run your games your way, and quit commenting how I would do things.
Just for my edification - please expand on your comment so that we are all clear. I want to make sure I am understanding your position as you're intending it to be read. It's ok to say "damn", don't just interject "God" in front or you get tossed? Am I on the right track? Does the use of "God" or Jesus Christ or "my Lord" or similar faith-based words or phrases warrant an ejection sooner than if not invoked? You brought it up, so I think in all fairness you should at least expound on what you said before others decide to take whatever issues they may or may not have.