Thread: Looking young
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Old Mon Mar 18, 2002, 07:44pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
I'm 36 years old, and for the last couple of years, whenever I've mentioned my age to an observer/evaluator, I've gotten the same response: "Really? You project much younger than your age."

Usually, that means that if they'd had to guess my age, they would've chosen a number around 30 or lower. From a personal perspective, I guess this is nice. But from an officiating perspective, I'm wondering if this has hurt me. Do I not look (or perhaps, act ) mature? Is "projecting young" causing an assignor to decide to wait a year or two on me?

I'm just curious as to opinions. Please understand, I'm not vain; staying awake at nights worrying about my looks. I'm just wondering if my appearance is helping me or hurting me.

You'll probably have to put up with that problem for a while. Too bad!
Your skin won't start to go until you are 51. Tough luck!
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