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Old Wed May 16, 2007, 12:29pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by 3afan
I thought that as long as the foot was touching any part of the line (and not touching the plate) then she was in the box
I think you are confusing and combining two separate rules and requirements.

For a batter to be in the box to start a pitch, the both feet must be entirely within the box (meaning, no part may be outside the lines ASA 7.3-A). In ASA, failure to comply within 10 seconds is ruled a strike (ASA 7.3-B and EFFECT).

When hitting the ball, to be ruled out of the box, the batter's offending foot must be entirely out of the box (meaning no part is inside or touching the lines ASA 7.6-D).

Also, see Definitions (Rule 1) at "Illegally Batted Ball".
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