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Old Wed May 16, 2007, 10:54am
iowasoftballump iowasoftballump is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 20
13-14 year old baseball game, catcher kept setting up on the outside corner so every time he reaches across his body to catch the ball it's outside. Pitcher continues to shake his head and glare at me. I whisper in the catchers ear "My suggestion to you is that you tell him to stop his *****ing and moaning or the strike zone is about to become and 1" x 1" square"

Softball game this weekend, catcher keeps setting up on the outside corner. Pitches keep being outside. Now this time the head coach yells at the catcher
"You have got to adjust to the placement of the ball and also to his strike zone."
I was blown away by this in the fact that the coach knew enough that I wasn't changing my strike zone and that he put it on his pitcher and catcher to get it right.
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