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Old Wed May 16, 2007, 09:25am
tribefan1952 tribefan1952 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 45

In professional baseball, it has become an accepted tradition to argue with the umps. You don't really see this level of acceptance in other sports. MLB managers are actually criticized if they don't get ejected often enough. And when a team explodes for 6 runs after the coach was ejected, he gets credit for firing up his team. Guys like Billy Martin & Lou Pinella made it into an art form. Fortunately, it hasn't become an accepted practice at the high school level (yet).

A couple more pet peeves...

Base coaches who signal a "safe" call.

Pitchers who feel the need to glare and act bewildered, especially on pitches that weren't even close. (I occasionally glare back. I have also called time out to clean off the plate and quietly suggest to the catcher that he might want to go out and tell his pitcher to knock it off.)

Players who "hold the tag" on the baserunner while he's trying to get up after a slide, hoping he will lose contact with the bag for an instant. The poor baserunner finally has to call time out just to get up. It's such a waste of time.
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