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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 15, 2007, 09:06pm
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
That could definitely be. But since I don't call those sports, I truly have no idea. I suck at basketball anyway.

Volleyball definitely doesn't have this problem, and that was primarily the sport I was referring to when comparing other sports to softball.....
I LOVE doing volleyball - the coach says something and BAM - you hit him with a team misconduct red card, and it costs him a point! Hell, the coach calls for a sub, and doesnt do it, it costs him/her a point (team delay)! I have been doing girl's volleyball in the fall the last two years, and love every second of it - no modified (7th & 8th grade) match lasts longer than an hour, and half our local vb association are members of our hs softball association!
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