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Old Tue May 15, 2007, 06:53pm
cshs81 cshs81 is offline
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Posts: 119
Originally Posted by hawk65
Actually, here's a more complete reply:

NFHS 3.6.17: ART. 17 . . . Team personnel shall not intentionally remove any lines of the batter's box or on the field of play.
PENALTY: (Art. 17) A strike shall be called on the batter if a member of the offense intentionally removes the line and a ball be awarded to the batter if a member of the defense intentionally erases a line. A team warning shall be issued, with the next offense resulting in a strike/ball, the offender and the head coach being restricted to the dugout.
I guess the "intentionally" part is what I'm questioning.

Is a batter allowed to stand on the back line?
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