Since I'm not working baseball this season, I must be out of the loop. I am surprised this topic has not sparked any conversation on this board. I know that we have always interpreted it the way it is now worded, but it had previously been worded incorrectly, and now lines up with the interpretation.
7.08 Old rule: Any runner is out when (a)(1) He runs more than three feet away from a direct line between the bases to avoid being tagged unless his action is to avoid interference with a fielder fielding a batted ball.
7.08 New rule: Any runner is out when (a) (1) He runs more than three feet away from his baseline to avoid being tagged unless his action is to avoid interference with a fielder fielding a batted ball. A runner’s baseline is established when the tag attempt occurs and is a straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach safely.
This was brought to my attention just this evening by Padres TV guy Matt Vasgersian when the call came up. Jose Cruz, Jr. was called out for running more than 3 feet out of his baseline avoiding a tag.
Progress is being made.