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Old Mon May 14, 2007, 06:01pm
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Originally Posted by tmielke
I don't think it should have come to this. The rookie should have already received the training on how to handle an unreported sub.
Yes, but I can't train ALL of them.

One thing that needs to be pointed out (IMHO, some may yet disagree) is that if it is the misapplication of a rule, such as fixing the BOO, and a coach utters that dreaded "protest" word, then the veteran better damned well be in there with bells on fixing it.

I have done this only once with a veteran and avoided said protest. I don't remember the exact sitch. I do remember the umpire. We'll call him "Three and out."

"Three and out" was going to do something third-worldish in the placement of a runner or somesuch. (Sorry, before last August I could have remembered this crap inch by inch...) Wronged coach comes off the bucket screaming, already LOUDLY uttering the P word. I told him I have it, don't worry, went out and fixed it. "Three and out" had deer in the headlights look as I tried to explain. Then he threw this "I've been doing this for umpteen years and I do college ball and blah blah blah..." I told him I didn't give a big rippin f**k what he did, we weren't going to have a protest and if he didn't like it I would GLADLY work single-man, which I basically had been doing anyway.

So..."three and out" finishes up, won't shake my hand on the way to the car, and leaves. Later that night, get a call from someone else who explained that while "three and out" wouldn't apologize to me, he did now know he was wrong and I was right.

Only other person who was mildly upset was the almost-offended coach. He had been wanting a piece of "three and out" for years and I deprived him of the chance. For THAT I felt bad...that I had deprived a coach of his rightful *** chewing of this umpire.

BUT...he said he was serious about the protest right then and there.
An ucking fidiot
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