Mon May 14, 2007, 05:08pm
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
First, if there is this so-called "zero tolerance" policy concerning swearing in your league, everyone already knows the rule, and thus should not require any statement reminding them.
Second, while no warning is ever necessary to eject a player for swearing, don't you think the word "damn" is pretty damn tame? You said if one of the kids drops an f-bomb. Well, that's a far cry from "damn."
If I were the coach, I would have questioned throwing a kid out for saying (or even screaming) the word "damn."
The words "damn" or "hell" are not considered vulgarities, but the f-word most certainly is. Notice how damn and hell get past the very sensitive censor on this website, which catches the really bad words every time. 
Hmmmmmm....Will you show me the official list of vulgarities please?