Originally Posted by BigGuy
I understand fully what you are saying. I have not been given any indication on how our association treats the issue. The one guy I contacted wouldn't give me his opinion until he had discussed it with others, because even he admitted there were varying opinions. Just because J/R and Evans say this is the way to do it, doesn't make it so unless some group actually adopts these methods as gospel. It would certainly be a lot easier for all of us. In reality, the likelihood of that happening is between slim and none. I am all in favor of standardizing.
Who's opinion are you going to go with?...Some dude leading your assn or Jim Evans...I'll tell you one thing that if you use the Jim Evans mechanic and you give the reason above that is verbatim from Evans, you'll be held in higher regard for adopting Evans mechanic versus what some other guy at the local tavern tells you. I would say there are a few groups who's adopted Evans mechanics. So when you say:
Just because J/R and Evans say this is the way to do it, doesn't make it so unless some group actually adopts these methods as gospel Would Major League Baseball be an okay group to adopt his mechanics?? just curious