Originally Posted by IamMatt
It's not so much the ones that are unsure or a rule, it's the ones that are sure of the rule.....and are wrong. 
Very true! And if I see an umpire apply a rule incorrectly, what I do will depend upon my relationship with that umpire. If we work well together, I'll chat with them either between innings or after the game. Sometimes, I'll try to make eye contact with my partner to say, "hey, man... you might want to ask me about this." If they catch it, they catch it. If not, then they don't.
If it's some schmuck I can't stand, and they don't ask me? I let 'em fry and break out the marshmallows. I've made that mistake once when dealing with a new ump who was very defensive with players. I didn't think he'd be so defensive around me, so after a game, I tried saying, "hey... you remember when...?" He got *very* defensive with me and ended up saying, "fine, don't call with me ever again!" Taught me a lesson in trying to help those who don't want help.
Next day, I called my boss and said, "So-and-so doesn't want to be my friend anymore." My boss just laughed. That umpire didn't return this year, thank god. Awful, awful, awful.