Originally Posted by LeftyRef
I was working the bases at a freshman game this evening. In the bottom of the first inning, there was a banger at first. I called the runner out, much to the dismay of the home crowd, but the inning was over. I began my walk to shallow right field. As I'm walking, I see the home team manager turn to address the spectators sitting behind his bench. He asks the crowd (loudly enough for me to hear in shallow right): "Is there anyone here besides ths umpire who thinks he was out?"
I didn't think this warranted an ejection at the time, but the more I think about it, the more I don't like that he addressed the spectators. The rule that immediately came to mind is OBR 4.06(a): "No manager/player shall incite, or try to incite, by word or sign a demonstration from the spectators." The penalty here is removal from the game.
Did I miss this one in this situation?
I wouldn't say you missed anything. You're where you are supposed to be, coach though is walking a tight rope.
Upon hearing this type of comment though, he's on a very short leash the rest of the night.
Now, if you are PU and you had made a call and he's questioning that might be different, but you're in RF.
Make a call from there and everyone will tag you as 'rabbit ears.'
The best thing I've learned from 27+ years if how to make coaches mad when I ignore them. Took a long time to learn, but is priceless now.